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Argentyna, re¿yser, który ma w swoim dorobku w du¿ej mierze gore komedie i plot:
"Extreme urban violence reigns in Argentina. Senator Beccar Varela rises as the only way to stop violence with his "zero tolerance" politic. People doesn't suspect that Beccar is the head of the nazi gang that causes the violence. When members of the gang torture and rape a retarded man, a mysterious Masked avenger begins his brutal revenge against the gangs and the corrupt politics."
To mo¿e byæ action gore oferuj±cy dobr± zabawe. Ciekawe czy jest gdzie¶ to gdziekolwiek do zdobycia.

A Sadomaster wygl±da tak:

PS. Filmem Goreinvasion tego¿ re¿ysera chyba te¿ warto sie zainteresowac. Z opisów pachnie trom± i wczesnym jacksonem